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  1. Hiya Sarge! I like that you’ve slipped in some other types of info here, like the stuff on Uganda last week and the all important masturbation info. How about mentioning the news from last week about a major clinical trial that proves once and for all that treating HIV is the most effective form of prevention we’ve got. If I’m poz and I’m on treatment, I’m “disease free” to use the lingo of some Squirters. While this has been suspected for some time, the trial results from last week are definitive. The best way for Squirters to end the burden of HIV in their lives – poz or neg – is for all of us to get tested and if poz, get onto treatment. If we all get together and do this, we can wipe AIDS out in our communities.

    PS – This boy is incredibly cute and I really would love to suck his dick.

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