Here’s Trent Merrin & Co (on FOOTY SOCIAL) selecting a squad for the ‘Mez Dogs’… though it plays more like a Q&A bit on “Broke Straight Guys” (before they start sucking each other off).
Tell me the guy on the left isn’t hot for Merrin (centre).
This is HOT!
And here’s a short sweet thing with David “Wolfman” Williams:
holy cow, they are hot.
I think your losing it Coa !ch…This is crap..dont tease us !
There is enough of this on Squirt as it is !
Bring the porn back Honey!
Sorry…I don’t get it! WTF is a “footy social” & what’s a “Trent Merrin”?
Sorry. I didn’t get it either. Give us real, raw M2M sex.
i totally get it. H.O.T.
Sgt Coach, you’re amazing.
Definitely HOT!!! Awesome….
Absolutely better than porn. Those rugby league players are so cuuuuuuuute.
Not for me, those NRL players are hot but that clip was boring, there’s nothing sexy in picking a fantasy footy team in ANY sport
Just mute the video. wow…
second video is not much, but love the first one. Would love to add about 10 beers each and then see where the video goes….then. Mmmmmmmm