GOLD SILVER BRONZE! Two-Time Winner Alexandre VS Diagoro (Italian Wrestler) & Dimitry (Russian Weightlifter)


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Hurray Alexandre! (BTW Matt got the silver & Jayden got the bronze). Some of you are so devoted to James that you voted for him, even though he’s out of the race (though he could still win this whole thing with his 6 Gold wins). Today, meet hunky studs Diagoro & Dimitry. I’d totally spread ’em to get fucked to death by these two! Let the GAYmes Begin…

Alexandre Despatie

Dimitry Klokov

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Diagoro Timoncini

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  1. This was by far the worst pairing to date. James would win easily.
    Gold – Diagoro

  2. Alexandre then Diagoro and then Dimitry…and guys i hope u are watching the games there are way more sexier guys than James trust me and Coach u need to look at the UK and US team the men are to die for mate….

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