Steam Room Stories is back with another funny and homoerotic video. This one addresses gym etiquette and some of the common pet peeves in the gym setting.
Two guys are in the steam room chatting when another opens the steam room door and starts up a conversation. That’s commandment number one: “Thou shalt not leave the steam room door open and let the cold air in.” Irritated by what the guy did, one of the men then decides he should list out the 10 Gym Commandments.
Find out what the Gym Commandments are and what (pretend) famous person makes an appearance towards the end of the episode. Let’s just say that as a result of this person being in the video and delivering the lines he did, it stirred up quite the comments on the YouTube video.
Gay or Straight?
Nice muscular bodies
The second one was hilarious! haha
locker room….no wonder USA is going to HELL in a basket….nothing sacred anymore…..Is this what Squirt is trying to portray, well it is sick. Stange u stayed away from any muslim inferance beacause u know u would have this site blown off the face of the earth.
Some may say its just plain humour…TRASH I CALL IT… hope the editor of this site will take note or maybe he/she believes in such degererating trash as well. Forgive then for they know not what they are doing…..
Clever and funny. Nicely done.
Funny what passes for humor these days. Both videos…lame.
The first one was silly and they didn’t actually finish what they were talking about. The second was quite amusing as I’d imagine most people play that game at the gym too. I know I do.