Herman Cain On Pizza


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“The more toppings a man has on his pizza, I believe the more manly he is… Because the more manly man is not afraid of abundance, A manly man don’t want it piled high with vegetables! He would call that a sissy pizza… I love the sausage, the mushrooms. Love it.” – Hermain Cain

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  1. Well, I must be the biggest sissy this side of San Fransissyco, Sissyfornia, United Sissies of America, because I don’t even like pizza in the first place. *snort*

    People make me laugh with their standards of masculinity. When it’s physical restrictions, I laugh, but when it’s down to what a man eats, I both guffaw and question the sanity of the person saying it XD.

    Still, you gotta love a man who “Love(s) the Sausage, and the mushroom(heads).”

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