HOT DUDE! Don’t Know Who He Is But He’s “REAL” HOT!


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  1. Gotta agree with lurker on this one. If that’s what it looks like when it’s hard it must just about disappear when soft. Poor guy. I’d be embarrassed.

  2. it’s probably 6″, which isn’t so tragic.

    (quit agreeing with Lurker, it’s probably getting to his head 😛 )

  3. ginger men are so hot!!! wanna eat out his fukhole until he begs to be dicked like the slutty bitch he is…

  4. lurker86 and dickryder69 both of you are simply soo shallow god almighty i would be embarrassed to even write comment like yours….. wow shallow and pathetic….. this guy his simply gorgeous and how give a damn about the size of his knob look at him he got written sexy all over different then you two pathetic size queen….. yuk some people cant even appreciate real beauty because their brain can go further then their sad inches they got in their mind and that tell everything about you two……. give me that sexy red hair anytime then people like you….that for sure….and i bet that ginger lad he fuck like an animal with that face….

  5. …..never ceases to amaze me the comments that are made, and today’s assortment by some are what I am talking about! This ginger is hot hot hot, and should be appreciated alone for his taking the time to post his photos! I wouldn’t hesitate to meet him and show him how much I appreciate his effort! Sexy and full of sensuality! keep em cumming!!!!!

  6. Very sexy man. I want to see more pics of him. The shot of him squatting made me wish my face was under his ass licking his tight hole. And his cock size is perfect. It’s not how big or thick, it’s how it hits the right spot. I think his cock would hit the right spot. Please, more pics of this mystery man.

  7. So lurker and dicky are size queens, what’s the problem – you may have noticed neither post pictures of their own endowment. As a left-over ancient, if that was offered to me I would feast on it.

  8. Let’s not try to understand Lurker,we know he’s a bitter old queen that you see in a night club wearing the best in early 90’s fashion,trying to hit on the skinniest barely legal boy in the club.

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