How Many Photos Of Go-Go Boy/Porn Star Quinn Jaxon’s Insane Ass/Cock Are There? (via The Sword)


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Zach @ The Sword:

If the first batch and the second batch weren’t enough, here is a third batch, tipped by a commenter named Marshall who must know how lazy I am and how my favorite kinds of posts to “write” are ones like these, where I simply dump in a bunch of pixxx. Thanks, commenter Marshall!

But thanks mostly to Quinn Jaxon’s body. This is just getting ridiculous now.

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  1. when is he going to do a sex scene, though… he’s only done a solo video on Randy Blue as far as I can tell… we need to see this guy in action… phrawr!

  2. I so love how comfortable he is in his own body and in showing it off. That elevates pictures of his great body above others by the magnetic attraction they make with people who see them. Perfect.

  3. he is so sexy, i cant get enough of him would love to bury my face in his ass mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

  4. It’s…~sigh~… BEN GODFRE’s BIRTHDAY on MARCH 22 EVERYONE!!! I’m sure hoping Sgt. Coach has an Entire Web page deicated to him. And I just know, the Thousands of Fans he has on here can’t wait.
    PS – Who is this GO-GO Dancer / Model, and WHY should I care?! 🙁

  5. The Web Page that is Dedicated to BEN GODFRE should be signed by every Member of Squirt I think 😉

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