Straight guys in gay porn make it seem straightforward to land a frat boy, a Chris Hemsworth-type or that the Kinsey scale is as flexible as an Olympic gymnast. However, the truth is that while landing a straight man to fuck isn’t easy, depending on the situation, it isn’t very hard, either
This article is not about tricking straight men into having sex with you but rather about understanding that hookups with straight men happen, how they may occur, and what you can do if you find yourself in this situation.

Why Do Straight Guys Have Gay Sex?
Human sexuality is a fairly complex construct. We’re not here to question anyone’s sexuality or undermine how they identify. There’s plenty of men that have sex with men but don’t identify as gay. That’s cool, whatever works for you.
There’s lots of reasons or circumstances in which a guy who identifies as straight might be open to or turned on by the prospect of a man-on-man encounter.
For some guys, it might be about availability. If you’re a single guy who’s horned up and wants his cock sucked, knowing that you can find some no-questions-asked action at a local glory-hole may be an easier option than trying to navigate conversations on hetero dating apps.
It might be a case of right place/right time. A gym-bro who is kicking back in the sauna after a heavy workout might be in the right head-space to be into a helping hand from a guy that appreciates his physique.
If a straight guy is not getting the sex they need from their hetero relationship, they may convince themselves that it’s not cheating if they’re just getting their rocks off with another guy. Gay hook-up culture and cruising opportunities offer no-strings-attached anonymous action. A straight guy can easily find willing holes where they can drop a load with no baggage. That’s not cheating, right?
Some guys just fall into the “curious” category. Maybe they’ve been watching some MMF porn, or perhaps they had some experiences when they were younger and want to revisit that, or maybe they’ve just been wondering what some level of intimacy with another man would feel like.
Ultimately, if a straight guy wants to have sex with you – their motivating factors are their business. You just need to decide whether or not you’re into it, then get down to business.

Which Straight Guys Want to Have Gay Sex
One of the things that we know about male sexuality is that it’s generally fairly binary. Most guys are sexually aroused by women, and a small percentage of us are sexually aroused by men.
If a guy tells you that he’s straight, you may as well accept that at face-value and turn your attention elsewhere.
However if a guy is saying that he’s not gay but is giving you pretty clear signals that he’d be open to a bit of man-on-man action, then there’s every chance that he’ll be down for some hardcore anal and oral sex – if you play your cards right.

Why do gay guys want to have sex with straight guys?
This isn’t the time or place to try and unpack the internalised homophobia that generally underpins the sexual appeal of a straight guy.
These are the guys that bullied us at school, these are the guys that were picked first on the sports team, these are the guys that we tried not to get caught staring at in the locker-room. It can feel like some sort of release or vindication to realise that we’re not that different – he also likes dick.
Being obsessed with straight guys isn’t particularly healthy. It feeds the masc-4-masc bullshit that presents “straight-acting” as being somehow more desirable. Personally, I’m very proud to call myself a faggot – I’m interested in sucking your cock, not having a discussion about where you sit on the Kinsey Scale.

How to Have Gay Sex with Straight Men
Build a bromance
A straight guy who could be open to some man-on-man action may feel more comfortable crossing that line if you’ve already established a level of trust. Bromances can be a beautiful thing – you like each other, you enjoy spending time together, your emotional intimacy could develop into physical intimacy.

Take it slow
One of the frustrating things about having sex with a straight guy is that you really have to let them set the pace. He’s doing some complicated emotional gymnastics to navigate his sexuality – if you try and rush him into anything, you’ll most likely just scare him off and it will be game-over. He’s going to want you to be available but not needy. You’re pretty much going to have to let him make the first move.

Create opportunities
You can help things along by looking for opportunities for the two of you to be alone together. Maybe you workout together, or he comes over to watch a movie, or you go for a run and then back to yours for a shower. This is putting your “available but not needy” strategy into action.

Show him the ropes
He may have already had some man-on-man experience, but chances are that you’ve had a lot more than him. It’s important to let him take the lead on how things unfold but also guide him as to what feels good and what doesn’t push your buttons. Communication is really key – even if it’s the non-verbal kind.
He may have a perception or an expectation of what he’d like to happen, so start there. As he relaxes and becomes more confident, it’s likely that he’ll be open to trying new things.

On the down-low
You might not be in the closet, but he probably is – you need to respect that. He probably won’t want anyone else to know that you’re fucking, he may not even acknowledge you if he sees you on the street. If that doesn’t work for you then you shouldn’t be fucking a straight man. Embrace the secrecy and intrigue – sometimes it can be fun to be the bit on the side.

Complicated subject to do an article on Gareth – but you did a great job. I thought pretty much all of the necessary caveats were included and it had a very respectful tone. It’s a real life “thing” that pushes a lot of buttons – but it IS nevertheless a real life “thing”.
Thanks, hrychstlvr69. Appreciate the feedback. Gareth.
Straight cock is a turn on when you’re not straight.
Most of the couples are nice…
Thanks, pmaul – I spent time trying to match the images to the article. Sean Cody was pretty much the vibe, but I was trying to mix it up a bit. Gareth.
Very interesting. Most of the guys I hook up with consider themselves straight and what they want to try is very different from man to man. Whatever they are comfortable with is what we do. Some I’ll never see again because of one reason or another–their guilt, shame, second thoughts–but others learn something about themselves and become more comfortable. Patience is key.
Thanks for sharing your experiences, kentohman. Gareth.
I am seeing 3 guys that are essentially straight – one is married, and I fuck him, one will play with my cock and balls while I suck him, then he fucks me and the third I suck and that is all we do. Still lots of fun for me!
Hot, d_milbury. Hot. Gareth.
There is one section of your statements that really ring true for me and that is, “Being obsessed with straight guys isn’t particularly healthy. It feeds the masc-4-masc bullshit that presents “straight-acting” as being somehow more desirable.
The definition of “straight” (heterosexual), is that one is NOT sexually attracted to members of your own sex, period. Straight men are as turned off by another man’s dick as much as gays are not into pussy. It’s as simple as that. If a guy is open to doing ANYTHING sexual with other men HE IS NOT STRAIGHT! This is something made up in order to create distance from others due to shame, denial etc. in order to deal.
Society tells us that we shouldn’t be this way or that and we all try to fit into whatever concept the masses tend to lean. Acting out of fear or the need top please others is not a positive trait. Like you touched on, human sexuality is varied and complex. Just because you are open to having pleasure with another man does not make you a bad person in the least and just because you mostly feel comfortable with women, does not make you straight. It might make us feel good that some “str8” guy is attracted to us and that feeds our egos but its a lie. He’s obviously not attracted enough to be with you any more than it suits him. But for argument sake lets say he wants you 1% of the time (because after all, he IS 99% str8), how is that a compliment??
We need to just stop this bullshit and own who/what we are and call it what it is. That kind of mindset is not only harmful to the gay community but to the heterosexual community as well because it undermines the beauty of our diverse make up.
Thanks for your feedback, 69black. Appreciate your thoughts. Gareth.
i will take the boys on bikes and the men on the 4 wheelers!!!!
You’re making good choices, Gary47. Excellent choices. Gareth.
I’ve hooked up with a few straight guys in my time some coming out on 2019 but the most surprising one was my ex boyfriend’s dad. I was heading home from a bar one night and saw his dad getting into his car drunk. I stopped him and asked to drive him home and he said okay. We talked in the car and he ended up putting his hand on my knee and it moved up to my crotch. We stopped a few blocks away from their house, we got in the backseat and we fucked for an hour or so. I drove him home, parked his car and called an Uber to take me home. One of the best experiences I’ve had ….