Hummingbird Smuggler Caught With Pants Down! (via Tai-Wiki-Widbee)


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“I’m totally not sympathetic to wildlife smugglers, but one has to cringe when noting the placement of the contraband and all those pointy little beaks…

“In 2010, French customs officers at the Rochambeau airport in Cayenne, French Guiana after noticing some suspicious bulges, conducted an intimate pat-down of a Dutch tourist and found some tiny parcels in some very personal space.”

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“The guy with his shorts full of hummingbirds was reported to be a repeat offender; he was allegedly intercepted at the same airport with an accomplice and a cargo of 53 hummingbirds two years prior to this photographed encounter. I was unable to find record of the convict’s previous offence, but in the 2010 incident, he was fined €6000. The value of his catch was estimated to be between €10,400 and €13,200…”

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  1. “after noticing some suspicious bulges” customs officers must have the best jobs. “sir whats down your pants” eh my penis may i take a look??

  2. What the hell prevented little nibbles? It’d border on tickling & painful! Some people can be so stupid! I don’t even wanna know he planned not to smoosh them.

  3. Man, talking about dedication! But look at those little hummingbird mummies, they look so cute. 😛

  4. ^I know what you mean. I should be infuriated, but they just look so cute all wrapped up. I can just hear them

    “That stupid human, he forgot to put the mud in!”

    “Denim wrap? I specifically ordered the seaweed. AND WHERE ARE MY CUCUMBERS?!?!?”

  5. Cruel, barbaric and disgusting. Nothing funny about this at all. The bastard responsible should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. I hope those suffering, terrified birds were properly returned to their native habitat. And no, I don’t want to know what they’re used for. I can only imagine the horror.

  6. I don’t know how anyone can find anything remotely amusing about these pictures, I think they are truly heartbreaking. Honestly I could cry seeing those poor little creatures bound up like that. Utterly vile.

  7. Please don’t show these pictures its upsetting and nothing at all to do with this site its also disgusting hanging is to good for him !

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