If You Ask Me, It Looks Like A Cock In Ass Cup…


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‘My Cup’ by Efrat Gommeh

‘Lock Cup’ by Israeli designer Efrat Gommeh is an ex-equo honorable mention of the designboom ‘design a key and what it opens’ competition. The design features a hole which prevents individuals, other than the owner, from using the mug, accompanied by a key to close the hole so that the drinking vessel then becomes usable.

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Now Gommeh’s design fittingly goes by the name of ‘my cup’ and is for sale online by Schneider.
it measures 10cm high and 8cm in diameter and utilizes removable silicone plugs which the owner keeps possession of for use.
so, if you’re tired of your co-workers using your favorite mug, this may be your answer!

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