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GAYGUYS.COM: Let’s get honest here. However pleasurable it is to have a man please us, there’s something about being alone in your bedroom with no one else around that is more freeing. You’re less self-conscious, less pressured to please someone else and more focused on you. But when it slowly becomes a replacement for one-on-one action with your man, perhaps it’s time to read just your priorities.

When your man doesn’t know how much you’re masturbating without him, chances are it’s starting to become a problem. Sure, he might be at work or out running errands. Sure, you might be home alone, super horny and can’t wait a few hours for him to return. There’s nothing wrong with having a little “me” time in your chamber. But how much is too much?

If you’re masturbating a lot more than you’re having sex, it’s not something you should feel guilty about. But it IS something you should investigate. I know couples who have sex two, three, four times a day. When you find someone who has the same sex drive as you, it’s a win-win. When you’re masturbating a lot, it’s clear you have a high sex drive and maybe you’re too embarrassed to tell your partner you need more out of him. What’s to be ashamed about?

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  1. seems it’s a joke, I feel that sometimes men are to quick to go for it before thinking hay I will be better off it I wait and we can have sex together, I have always loved my partner to the point that he would say to much I can’t go this may times. I find that big men sometimes can go longer that us little guys, but yes I agree to much hand louds will spoil the cake….

  2. Who wrote that? Let me break that down for everyone:
    “Is masturbating replacing your self life? I don’t know, figure it out yourself. Don’t do it too much, but its okay if you do.”

    Shut up.
    Good thing you posted cock pics.

  3. If you don’t have a regular fuck buddy or partner then masturbation is the alternative. I was married and still masturbated as the wife was not always there when I was horny (both working different shifts). I did feel guilty about it but what can you do? If your hard and horny and need release.

  4. God all I want to do is wank after looking at those pics, wanking is great you can hit the spot everytime.

  5. Its your sex life — do what you want! Your partner does not own you, your genitals or your sex life. Masturbate as much as you like, whenever and wherever you want

    This is 1960’s stereotypical guilt trip crap! Tell your partner if you want, don’t if you don’t want to. You can be guaranteed 100% they are doing exactly the same thing!

  6. The model is hot! I’m pulling my own just looking at him! Can someone remind me what the story is about?

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