Joey Thompson On “How To Look Like Ryan Gosling”


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  1. Who the fuck is Ryan Gosling? Have watched a shit load of porn and don’t recognise him. Then guess not like I be focusing on the head on the shoulders. 😉

  2. downundaboy, Ryan Gosling is not a porn star he’s a Straight Guy , who just happens to be cute and have a nice body! Oh and he’s a mainstreram actor. 😉

  3. The world is already full to the brim of wannabies, I’m quite happy looking like myself thanks. Anyway, anyone who want’s to look like someone else must have some deep seated self esteem issues.

  4. Don’t speak too soon postman83. They’ll be some F*cked up Head Case who’ll spend a Fortune( or somebody else’s:-() to turn himself into “Freak of the Week”. Think Micheal Jackson, and all his Fruit of the Loom Spawn 🙁 At least if you avoid the Drag System and their “court” you’ll never have to meet these wanna be Freaks, as nobody else wants them.

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