Jose Benitez, Peruvian Mayor, Fears Tap Water’s Minerals Will Turn Town Gay (via Huff Post Gay Voices)


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Huff Post:

In one of the most unusual claims about homosexuality to emerge in some time, a Peruvian mayor is blaming the high mineral levels in the area’s drinking water for a perceived increase in the number of gay men residing in his town.

As Pink News is reporting, Huarmey Mayor Jose Benitez made the bizarre comments at the launch of a local water access project, where he noted high levels of strontium in the tap water. The drinking water comes from Tabalosos, a town which a Lima-based television station once claimed was inhabited by 14,000 gay men.

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“Unfortunately strontium reduces male hormones and suddenly we’ll be as Tabalosos, as other towns, where the percentages are increasing of homosexuality,” Benitez is quoted by LGBT Asylum News as saying. “Young people have low self-esteem by this stigma.”

Dr. Robert Castro Rodriguez, dean of the College of Pharmaceutical Chemistry of Lima, quickly dismissed Benitez’s claims, telling Peruvian radio that large amounts of strontium in the body eventually lead to bone cancer, anemia and cardiovascular complications –- but not homosexuality.


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  1. So, the stereotype that all gay men are bodybuilding workout nuts doesn’t account into this? Since muscle naturally boosts testosterone levels. add to that the stereotype by women that all the fat men are straight, and if anything higher estrogen levels in men should make them hetero XD

    This is terrificly hilarious.

  2. It’s never funny when people in authority who should know better, don’t. Their ignorant pronouncements as “fact” are not only shameful but can actually perpetuate age-old “fears” and stereotypes. Besides, if drinking water with a high mineral content is what it takes to increase the gay population, we’d all be sifting sand into our hunky straight neighbor’s Evian.

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