Lion & Panda!


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  1. I once stumbled across a web site with photos dedicated to this fetish. I didn’t get it then. Seeing them in action, it seems like more trouble than it’s worth. To each his own, I guess.

  2. Utterly pointless video. Please do not feature any more like this on ‘Daily Squirt’. A big mistake to put this rubbish on just when you are asking us to vote for ‘Daily Squirt’ as the best !

  3. YOU…HAVE…GOT…TO…BE…KIDDING…ME! I didn’t even watch past the 5th second of the video. WHY WOULD I? PLEASE do not post anything like this again. I agree with Bashyacta. Glad I haven’t voted yet, and may not after this post…

  4. When the bear had his legs on the lions shoulders, and the lion was trying to find his dick and get it through the ‘suits’ and into the bears ass – spent several moments trying and gaveup and jacked the bear – I laughed out loud (LOL!!). Usuallly I just breath deeper and perhaps moan, and even roar if I cum while watching a ‘porn flick’ – but this one was funny as hell!! Sorta like “Laural and Hardy Fuck the Zoo!!”

    Maybe Ma was right Sarge – too much porn can make your palms (pads) hairy!

  5. One of the things I LOVE about this site is the sheer diversity of men and activities. A true buffet of everything that;’s sexy about men. Are they ALL to my taste? Hell, no! But to come here and disparage something that you don’t particularly like is a waste of time. Did I enjoy this strange little scene? Nope. But there may have been someone who found it arousing and it was a nice little erotic extra for their afternoon. If we don’t like it? We skip it. Simple as that! Thanks, SGT COACH… keep up the sexy diversity!

  6. This one is filed under “Funny Ha Ha.” If you’re not up for a laugh, just skip it. Chances are it won’t be a dick raising experience.

  7. It is so ‘camp’! I keep thinking about the funny movements and how bizarre the whole concept is. New kink on me!! As a creative person I’ve been mulling over doing a book based on this – It would NOT be a childrens book!!!!!! : )

    Sarge keeps my juices flowing, and now even my creative juices!! He is just so fucking juicy!!

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