Madonna In A Wig @ D-Listed


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“There’s no need to pack an overnight bag and destroy your computer’s hard drive in a pot full of boiling holy water, because the FBI is not going to crash through your ceiling and drag you to pedo prison for looking at illegal pictures of Courtney Stodden. Believe it or not, this is not Courtney Stodden. This picture posted by Eat Blog And Die is of the one and only Vadge getting ready for a photo shoot with Steven Klein while making her future South American fuck toys scatter back up into their mother’s wombs for safety. You know, when I reach the Sally O’Malley phase of life, I hope that like Madge I look like a malnourished, strung out hairless cat on Mexican HGH with thighs like an overcooked hangar steak and arms like Gollum’s dick. But one thing I do not want near me is that tattered, bruised and battered polyester wig on top of her skull.” – D-Listed



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  1. Hasn’t the poor woman been on tour recently? Honestly, having to get on stage multiple times, doing the choreography heavy stuff she does under those torching lights, her shockingly low bodyfat% is forgivable.

    Honestly, I think she looks pretty damned good for her age. Put just a wee bit more bodyfat on and she’ll look great, but if I were a woman her age and had to make the choice, I’d choose veiny muscular arms over flabby tricep wings ANY-FUCKING-DAY.

  2. OH GOOD GOD & 10 HEIL MARY’S…. WTF are you trying to do COACH….GO BANKRUPT??!!! These pics of “WHORE(HORROR)DONNA are enough to turn EVERY GAY GUY STRAIGHT, and RUN as Fast as they can to the nearest Jerry Fallwell or Anita Bryant Charity Fundraiser !!! God only knows what LURKS under CHER”s ( another GAY ICON & IDOL) Cement thick make-up and clo..well, she doesn’t really wear clothes, but PLEASE…DON’T SHOW US !!! 🙁

  3. How is this a surprise? She’s like 60, and she’s had those veiny/muscular features for at least a decade. No amount of money can cheat death…

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