I caught up with Manuel Skye to talk about acrobatics, underwear, and how to navigate your way through a pandemic.
Life in lock-down
“I was well prepared for something like this…” says Manuel, when I ask him if his background in yoga, meditation, and spirituality gave him a good base in terms of trying to navigate the Covid-19 pandemic.
“When I’m at home in Montreal, I pretty much have a quarantine lifestyle – ever since I started yoga. Yoga has helped me to put everything into perspective. I like the zenitude that I’ve created around me.”
“I started yoga after I went through some rough stuff. It was a way to make change – it led me to be able to live the life I’ve always wanted.”
“I think that this pandemic is going to see a shift around the world. We can see – now, more than ever – that we’re all united. Globally, we’ll see people reorganising their lives. It’s time to reflect on what actually makes you happy, and how you want to contribute to this world. If you’re not happy with your 9-to-5, it’s time to set yourself free from the corporate slavery and societal norms that are imposed on us. Better outcomes are possible.”

7 Skyes Under
“The current lock-down is giving me more time to work on my book – 7 Skyes Under…” confirms Manuel, when I ask him about his current projects. “This is something I’ve been focused on since the beginning of the year. The message I got from the universe was to try and get the first part of the book out by November of this year. I set out to write one book, but it’s turning out to be a trilogy.”
“Sign-up to the mailing list and I’ll let you know when the first instalment is available.”
“The first book is a gathering of my spiritual experiences in my current life. I’ve written it as an inspiration for people who want to learn how to achieve their full potential as divine human beings.”
“Since my 20s, people around me have asked me to teach them the skills that weren’t taught at school, but that are essential for a vibrant way of life. The aim of the book is for the reader to learn to trust their inner intuition and to believe that all the answers are always within.”
“Any spiritual accomplishment is so easy to make, we just have to do it. By reading the story of my life, people will be able to take the steps required in any aspect of their own lives. I encounter lots of people with skills, but with no idea how to master or use them – this is my way of sharing my story with my audience.”
“The second book will be about my former lives, as I remember them. I’ll also be sharing the tools required to retrieve them. I’ll also be discussing other intriguing supra-natural subjects such as premonitions and healing. Of course, I’ll tie it all in with sacred sexuality as this is what has brought us all to life.”

The acrobat
“We should all be stretching, period – before anything that involves movement…” confirms Manuel, when I ask him if we should be stretching before sex. “Stretching before sex is key – for both the giver and the receiver – in order to have full range of motion in the hips and to ensure that we’re able to get every inch inside.”
“My favourite acrobatic moves in sex are the ones that take my boys by surprise. Either when I lift them up in the air while fucking, or transitioning from riding to missionary – by opening into a full split so I can keep my dick inside in the process.”

The underwear
“I like something that has enough space for my balls and ass…” says Manuel, when our conversation inevitably turns to underwear. “That kind of fit is really hard to find, so my best bet are briefs.”
“When I’m at home, I like free-balling. Sometimes I’m free-balling at the gym as well, except when I do aerials – then I have to wear a dance belt. A dance belt is a thong that holds everything up at the front so that I don’t smash my balls in a move.”
“For my boys, I like a jock that compliments the roundness of their ass and ensures that I have free access to their pretty hole.”

The future
“After I publish the book, I want to transpose the content into an actual live-coaching show…” says Manuel, when I ask him about his plans for life after lock-down.
“In a live-coachiing program, I can answer questions on the different topics covered within my book – all in a very fun and down-to-earth atmosphere.”
“Don’t worry, porn will always remain a big focus – sexuality is definitely an important aspect of my being.”
Follow Manuel Skye on JustFor.Fans

It always piques my interest when I read that a performer is a fellow Canadian or resident in Canada.
An interesting piece – I’m curious regarding these books he’s writing.
Cool pics – they somehow managed to seem very retro of the 70’s, & 80’s and their subsequent revivals all at once.
I love it when men dress in sexy underwear ??