By Christopher Brocklebank
The German city of Munich, where the Nazis raided gay bars in the early days of the Third Reich, is to have a new memorial dedicated to the gay and lesbian victims of the holocaust.
The location of the memorial is significant, as on 20 October 1934, the Nazis undertook a raid on the city’s gay bars. It was one of the first such incidents in what would become a full-scale systematic persecution of gay people under Hitler’s rule.
The memorial will form part of a new pedestrian development in the center of Munich and will be placed at the crossroads of Oberanger and Dultstrasse outside what was the Scwharzfischer (The Black Fisherman), one of the city’s most popular gay bars in the 1930s.
Rudolf Brazda, last of the Pink Triangles, tells his story.
This brought tears to my eyes. Now I know how hard people before us, had to fight for the freedom to love another man. We are blessed to have known a man like this.
That was really beautiful…THAT made my day!
It’s amazing how fresh his memory still is… after all those years. Im sure he will never forget
I think our community would be so different if young people knew the sacrifices and struggles that were made in order to allow us to enjoy the freedom we have today. No, we are not all the way there… but we have come a long way.
Keep Squirtin’ Luv Dick