The full 1965 documentary. Interestingly, twenty years after this film’s release, famed newsman (and narrator) George Putnam came out publicly in support of gay rights. This movie was financed by Charles Keating, who later went to federal prison for orchestrating the infamous savings & loan scandal of the early 90’s.
Perversion for Profit is a 1965 propaganda film financed by Charles Keating and narrated by news reporter George Putnam. A vehement diatribe against pornography, the film attempts to link explicit portrayals of human sexuality to the subversion of American civilization, and briefly draws a parallel between pornography and the Communist conspiracy. The film is in the public domain, and it has become a popular download from the Prelinger Archives. Perversion for Profit illustrates its claims with still images taken from various soft core pornography magazines of the period, though with some portions of human anatomy obscured by colored rectangles.
This Just makes me angry, I don’t event know where to start with all the miss information and out of context references.
What a Wanker, His wife needs to sit on his ugly face and fart !