Porn Star Trent Locke Mugged In Toronto (via


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BY ROB SALERNO – Falcon-exclusive gay pornstar Trent Locke was in Toronto this weekend, where, he claims on his Twitter account (@TrentLockeXXX), he was robbed of his money and iPhone 4S. If Locke’s TrentUnlocked blog (NSFW) is anything to go by, his phone is full of nude bathroom mirror pics and shots from various porn sets. So if anyone comes across a black-market iPhone full of nude pics of the furry hunk, do the right thing and send it back to him after you’re done masturbating.

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Locke is using his old iPhone 4 now, which is why there were two Grindr profiles of him in Toronto all weekend, in case you were wondering. Luckily, Locke’s passport wasn’t stolen, so he’ll have no trouble getting back to the relative safety of Los Angeles at the end of his visit.

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