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Squirt.org launched its social media campaign on February 7, 2014 for the Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics. The campaign portrays images of Russian president, Vladimir Putin, in explicit gay sexual act. The goal of the campaign to protest against Russia’s anti-gay propaganda law.

Today Squirt.org released the latest image, which shows Putin posing for Squirt.org and promoting gay propaganda.

Hmmmm, do you think Putin is a vanilla top or a power bottom?

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  1. really inappropriate..we all have different views in things, so why condemn those that think differently?…I thought we were a tolerant and accepting people??!! He can have his opinion ,but it is our job to show him the true “US”, but things like this just make him think that we are really trying to make everyone gay. Let him have his opinion, and prove to him that we are not making everyone gay…. this nonsense is just hateful

  2. I agree probably afraid to admit he finds dick appealing. I believe most homophobes, are afraid, because they love to jerk off, might be gay and afraid people would think less of them. bradley98 thinking different is great, but homophobia and persecution of those who are gay is just unfair and unjust. Russia is always behind the rest of the world in human rights.

  3. For enacting homophobic legislation just before the Sochi Winter Olympics in Russia, I find it irritatingly ironic how homoerotic the double-men’s luge appears to be, not to mention that in the original Greek Olympics, competitors wrestled and competed virtually nude in all events!

  4. @bradley98: Normally, I feel the same way. But, these people who are so virulently anti-gay need to be bullied back. Putin deserves anything and everything he gets. A leader of a country has pretty much betrayed a portion of his people. He’s probably a latent gay and the forgiving people we are, would accept him.

  5. there’s a difference between some guy at work being anti-gay, and the leader of an influential nation being anti-gay…the guy at work is a jerk, the world leader is a dangerous jerk…and i agree, putin has “closet case” written all over him…

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