Spoiler Alert: True Blood Turns Straight Character Gay… But Which One?


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Via Michael Ausiello:

“True Blood has turned people into vampires, vampires into piles of gore, assorted wildlife into people, and Michelle Forbes into the ultimate party ghoul. But perhaps no transformation in the show’s colorful history will come as quite as great a shock as the one that we find out about during the HBO hit’s ferociously anticipated fourth season, premiering June 26: A major character, heretofore heterosexual, will be involved in a same-sex romance.”

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“I’m not going to reveal any more clues about the character — who may or may not be featured in the above image — so as not to risk getting fanged by series creator Alan Ball. However, I will say that, having witnessed the big reveal, it doesn’t feel gimmicky. In fact, after the initial shock wears off, I imagine you will do what I did and go, “Yeah. Makes total sense.”

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  1. where did he buy that nice suit ? Who is the designer? I only wish I could look like him when I am sporting it.

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