Whether it’s having stamina at your next gay orgy or just feeling energetic enough to go longer with your long-term fella, many ask – can men cum multiple times?
While multiple cumshots for men may feel like a fantasy or just something you can achieve sporadically on a good day, it is possible to get there on your terms.
This article will discuss tips and tricks to become an unstoppable fuck machine.

What is the Gay Multiple Orgasm?
Orgasms are pretty awesome. Whether you’re getting there by yourself or with someone else, hitting an orgasm is pretty much peak pleasure.
But after you’ve had an orgasm, you’re pretty much timed-out. Your body has done its job. Even if you wanted to do it all again straight away, it’s pretty much a physical impossibility to step back up to the plate and immediately repeat the performance.
So, what’s the deal with guys who talk about having multiple orgasms?
The more you start to explore your body and the pleasure you can enjoy, it’s worth learning a bit about how your body works. In the context of orgasms, the thing that stops us having one orgasm after another is called the Refractory Period. The Refractory Period is effectively the time that your body needs to rest and recover before it can perform again sexually.
The length of the Refractory Period varies considerably between men, although the general rule is that the younger you are then the shorter your Refractory Period.
Your Refractory Period pretty much starts with your ejaculation – once you’ve rung that bell, your body is a time-out.
The concept of multiple orgasms is all about how do you hit those peaks of pleasure that an orgasm delivers without hitting the tipping point of the ejaculation. The technical term for this in Non-Ejaculatory-Multiple-Orgasms.
In simple terms, we generally see the orgasm and the ejaculation as being intrinsically linked – as if they’re kind of the same thing. However, sexologists and sex-therapists describe the orgasm as being what happens in the final moments before your ejaculation is triggered – the sensitivity of your body is heightened, your heart-rate is pounding, the waves of pleasure are hitting you hard.
The pursuit of multiple orgasms is all about how you can enjoy that heightened orgasmic sensitivity without ejaculating and triggering your Refractory Period. In a way, it’s kind of like advanced edging.

Prepping for Multiple Cumshots
The idea of multiple orgasms for men – or Non-Ejaculatory-Multiple-Orgasms – isn’t anything new. Exploring the pleasure and energy released during the body’s orgasmic phase is common practice in Taoism, Tantra, and the mystery schools of the ancient civilisations – everyone from the Mayans, to the Egyptians, and the Greeks were all at it.
You might think that you’re already an expert in edging, but mastering Non-Ejaculatory-Multiple-Orgasms isn’t as easy as it sounds. It’s worth doing some reading and research. There’s lots of online resources and also in-person workshops are really helpful in exploring how to maximise your pleasure in this way.
One of the most difficult aspects is learning how to approach masturbation from a different perspective. You effectively have to unlearn a lot of the behaviours that we’ve adopted over the years. That’s not easy to do.

How to Cum Multiple Times
There’s a number of different techniques that can be used to help you explore the orgasmic phase of your body. You’re not going to master this on your first attempt.
Meditation-style breathing exercises are often used – this is primarily to help your focus and concentration. You really need to be aware of how your body is feeling and how your body is reacting.
You’ll also be focusing a lot on your pelvic-floor muscles. The pelvic-floor muscles are the onces you can feel when you focus on pulling in and lifting up your genitals. Being able to isolate and control your pelvic-floor muscles will help you reach and sustain your body’s orgasmic phase.
Remember, what you’re aiming to do is to hit your orgasm without ejaculating. You’re going to build the intensity of pleasure slowly up and then try and hold it at the peak for as long as possible. Once you go too far and ejaculate, then you’re into the Refractory Phase and your body is going to need to take a break.
Obviously, if your fuck-buddy is yelling – “Cum in my hole!” – at you, then he may not be on the same page in terms of multiple orgasms. You’ve got to pick your moments.

Tips for Additional Stamina while Ass Fucking
Learning how to control your orgasm is something that’s best done while you’re alone and can spend time just masturbating and learning about your body. However, mastering the techniques of multiple orgasm will also translate into better sexual performance when you’re getting it on with someone else or immersing yourself in a gay orgy.
The more in-tune you are with your body, the more you’ll be aware of your body’s limits – when it comes to sexual pleasure. If you can feel that you’re inching closer into your orgasm zone, you can use your control techniques to delay ejaculation and extend the pleasure.
Even if you haven’t yet mastered the breathing exercises and pelvic-floor muscles, you can simply suggest taking a break or changing positions in order to extend the fun. Visualise your body’s pleasure as a line-graph – some ups and downs are good, but once you’ve crossed the threshold of peak-pleasure, then it’s all downhill from there.

Test These Tricks on Your fave Hookup App: Squirt.org
The great thing about exploring how to maximise your pleasure through multiple orgasms is that it is something that you can do by yourself. However, it’s also a lot of fun to explore this kind of thing with a bate-buddy.
Even though they may start the chat with something like – “I want to see your uncut dick cum!” – most guys are open to the idea of taking some time to experience how good multiple orgasms can feel. The ejaculation and the load of cum is just the cherry on top.
See if there are any guys near you that would be up for an extended jack-off session. You don’t even have to meet up – you can set up online jack-off sessions with guys wherever they are in the world.
Grease up and get busy – there’s a lot of pleasure to be enjoyed.

I’d like to practice with the first guy at the top!
Multiple prostate orgasms are also possible , for the bottoms.
I love prostate orgasms….I can have several of them, often running one after the other, a series of highs and lows, with little if any ejaculate. I can cum afterwards, too!!