As AI gets more intelligent and technology gets better, faster and stronger, sex toys are getting us harder. While not precisely Skynet, unlike the sex toys of yesterday that put the “man” in manual, these toys mean rechargeable, hands-free fun aplenty. We look at some of the toys doing the stroking for us.
Why invest in automated or interactive sex toys?
You might look at the price tag of an automated or interactive sex toy and feel like it’s a bit of a boner-killer. Sure, there’s nothing wrong with an old-school dildo or conveniently-shaped vegetable, but that’s really not comparing apples with apples.
When you add a bit of technology to your sex-toy experience, you’re really taking things to a whole different level.
In terms of the level of technology that we’re talking about, the options are fairly limitless – everything from a bit of vibration, through to bluetooth controls for long-distance fun, all the way up to a realistic sex doll that will probably give you better post-nut banter than most guys out there.
But let’s explore some potential benefits in more detail.

Have fun with partners when away
For lots of us, our sex toy sessions are all about getting off when we’re by ourselves. But it doesn’t take much imagination to realise that adding some sex-toy options into an encounter with a fuck-buddy or a boyfriend can really spice things up.
But what if your fuck-buddy presented you with a vibrating butt-plug that he could control from anywhere. He goes away on a business trip, but he can still have your man-cunt quivering by simply using an app on his phone.
Alternatively, imagine that he’s arranged dinner to introduce you to his parents. You’ve agreed to go, but only on the condition that he wears the remote-control vibrating butt-plug. Anytime the conversation gets a bit dull, you can switch it on and watch him squirm.
Fun, right?

Experience solo masturbation like there’s two people
If you’ve made the time for an extended jack-off session where you just bate and make yourself feel good, you might sometimes wish that you had a few extra hands to really work over every bit of your body.
Why not equip yourself with an automated blowjob machine? This is technology that replicates oral sex.
There’s lots of different options out there, but an automated blowjob machine is a bit like the suction cups that they use to milk cows in a dairy. If you’ve ever wanted to lie back and have the cum milked out of you, this could be the gadget you need in your life.
An automated blowjob machine generally comes with a removable sleeve to make the clean-up easier.

Reduce that carpal tunnel
Most of us discover the joys of masturbation at a young age, get into a bit of a groove, and then get the job done as often as possible over the subsequent decades.
I don’t do maths, but that’s a lot of jacking off.
One of the challenges with our enthusiasm for jacking off on a regular basis is that we’re generally using the same technique each time. We find a technique that works for us, we develop a pattern of behaviour, we generally don’t explore a lot of variations. That can put a lot of pressure on specific parts of our body. I was diagnosed with tennis elbow when I was sixteen – I don’t play tennis.
An automated sex toy gives you options.
For example, instead of wearing out your wrists and giving yourself wanker’s cramp during an extended bate session, an automated penis sleeve can introduce a whole new range of sensations. You can go hands-free and focus on the porn or whatever else you want to do with your hands while your cock is still getting all the attention it needs.

Where to buy an interactive sex toy?
You might not remember the days when you had to actually go into an adult bookstore or a sex shop to buy a dildo – it’s a big step forward that you can now get pretty much anything delivered to your door.
You’ll see advertisements for sex toys all over the place – it can be a bit overwhelming.
You want to make sure that you’re buying from a sex toy specialist – you want to make sure that what turns up is what you ordered and is going to deliver the kind of experience that the advertisement promised.
These toys can be fairly expensive – you want to make sure that you’re not wasting your money.
It’s important to do your research – ask your friends, look for specialist stores that know what they’re talking about, look for toys that are specifically designed for men, don’t be swayed by bargain prices.
It’s time to prioritise pleasure.

I think I’d rather have a few of the guys. 😁😁😁😁
well thats all well and good, what about the prices of these items ? I mean heck why so expensive ???
maybe it would be alot cheaper to get a couple of Guys over to enjoy the real thing..oh well guess
its up to the person and what they want… Im Free lol
Where do you buy the products displayed? I’m definitely interested in the AUTOMATED PENIS SLEEVE. Someone please give me the details on how to purchase. BIG THANKS!
I would play with all of these men!!!! and their toys!!! Woof Woof