Squirt.org Readers Ask: Why Does My Cum Taste Bad?


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It probably won’t ever taste like pineapple, but are you worried that you’ve got funky spunk?

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Let’s take a look at whether it’s possible to boost the flavour quality of your cum and ensure that everyone is eager to swallow.

Why Would I Want Better Spunk?

Better oral sex

Are you noticing that when guys give you head that they’re spitting not swallowing? Maybe it’s a coincidence, but what’s stopping guys from begging to have you shoot your load down their throat?

There’s nothing wrong with giving a guy a facial, but you want him to lick up every drop – you want to smear your cum across his lips, you want to scoop up your cum so that he can slurp it from your fingers.

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If your cum tastes bad, he’s probably not going to be into that.

The better it tastes then the more oral sex you’re going to get. It’s just science.

Indicator of a good diet

We might still need to do some more research on this, but it seems fairly logical that the healthier that you are then the better your cum is going to taste.

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It’s fairly widely accepted that if your body is healthy and performing at its best, then that will have an influence on the quality of your cum.

But if your diet is a bit rubbish – if you’re smoking, drinking too much, and eating a lot of processed food then there’s every chance that the quality of your cum is suffering.

If something seems off with your cum, it might be an indicator that you’re unwell. You might just have a minor infection or something, or maybe an STI, but if your cum goes a bit weird then it’s probably your body sending out a warning signal about something.


While no one is yet giving out awards for best-tasting cum, it’s nice to imagine that you at least might get nominated.

Regardless of where you live, it’s almost inevitable that the guys that you have sex with will probably know each other. You don’t want to be known as the guy with funky spunk, right?

What Does Cum Taste Like?

Even accounting for a bit of variation between guys, the taste of cum is surprisingly hard to define.

While some guys might taste a bit saliter or a bit sweeter, it’s probably easiest to describe cum as having a fairly neutral or alkaline taste.

The reason that it doesn’t taste of much is because of the way our bodies produce cum – your cum is a combination of different fluids produced by different parts of the body.

The texture of cum is also an important part of the experience – your cum is usually going to be a cloudy white fluid that is a bit thicker than water.

What Makes Cum Taste Bad?


We don’t really have any hard research that confirms a direct link between what you put into your mouth and how your cum tastes. However, there is plenty of anecdotal evidence out there – there has to be a grain of truth in the pineapple theory, right?

People often point to the way that eating asparagus makes your piss smell as an example of how our diet influences our bodily functions, but your piss is a waste-product being discharged by your body whereas your cum is something that your body produces. The process is quite different.

But we do know that the healthier we are then the better our bodies perform, so if the prospect of having better-tasting cum is a motivator for you to eat organic foods, lots of fruit and vegetables, and exercise regularly, then we fully support the choices your making.


In order to function effectively, your body needs to be getting enough water – you need to stay hydrated.

If in doubt, drink more water.

No Chlorophyll in Diet

If you wanted to try testing different foods to see if changing your diet might improve the taste of your cum, then you could try cutting out things like leafy greens – there is some suggestion that vegetables high in chlorophyll might have a negative impact on the taste of your cum. Also things like garlic and onions. But to be honest, this is all a bit of a long-shot. You’re better off just eating some blueberries and drinking pineapple juice.

Drugs and Alcohol

There’s quite a bit of anecdotal feedback that cutting out smoking will improve the taste of your cum. Again, the science on this isn’t conclusive, but it’s worth a try, right?

Get motivated to cut out the smoking and reduce your use of alcohol and other drugs. Having sweeter-tasting jizz is a great way to stay focused on your health and fitness journey.

Lack of Oranges, Pineapple or Papaya

We really don’t have any nutritional evidence that eating foods that are naturally high in sugar – such as pineapple – will have any impact on the taste of the fluids produced by your body. That’s just not how the body works. Eating fresh fruit and vegetables is just part of having a healthy diet – your body needs those vitamins and antioxidants in order to function effectively.

You also might hear people talking about an alkaline diet – eating things like wheatgrass to lower the body’s pH levels and, if you follow that logic through, make your cum taste less acidic. Again, that’s really not how the body works.

How can I make my cum taste better?

The bottom line is that your cum probably tastes just fine. If you’re getting negative reports, go to the doctor’s for a check-up. If you want to maximise the quality of your cum, eat healthy, exercise regularly, and drink lots of water. Plus, start the day with a glass of pineapple juice – it can’t hurt, right?

Written by Gareth Johnson

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  1. This article is based on speculation, an admitted lack of information, and illogical conclusions. Why print something based on probability and possibility in the absence of science?

  2. My ex best friend used to smoke like a damn chimney. We fooled around many times and his cum was awful. A few years ago I’d tried some homegrown oranges and on a whim I took a taste after downing a few. There was absolutely, without a doubt a sweetness to mine compared to other times.

  3. I would agree that smoking and alcohol has big impact while diet and health might have minimal effects. I have always enjoyed tasting my own.

  4. I’ve swallowed multiple loads of cum have not tasted a bad load
    Maybe thats because I just cum & lots of it yum

  5. I’ve swallowed multiple loads of cum have not tasted a bad load
    Maybe thats because I just love cum & lots of it yum

  6. My best mate has the tastiest cum I have ever swallowed, not sure what he eats, but I really look forward to him unloading his sweet juice down my throat.

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