The Frank Ocean Effect and Some “Bisexual” Guys I’ve Known by Rich Juzwiak for GAWKER


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I never quite understood the stigma against bisexual men. (There is one, especially among gay men.)

Granted, labeling oneself a “bisexual” is something many men do to ease into full-on homosexuality; it is also a way for men to hold on to a shred of “acceptable” sexuality as they pursue their less mainstream interests (believe me, I’ve been there). But the idea that one person could be attracted to multiple genders is not inconceivable. People discuss much more far-out sexual proclivities all of the time. I hate being told by clueless straight bigots what’s going on inside of me; I’d hate getting it from gays even more.

I believe men when they tell me they’re bisexual—or, as happens more often, when they claim to be attracted to men and women, but don’t want to be saddled with a label. I believe the four guys profiled below.

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I parlayed the sexual intimacy I shared with these four guys—all of whom identify more or less as bisexual, all at various points in their development as adults—into an interview scenario. In general, they were less naturally introspective about their sexuality than your average gay guy. Whatever culture results from being a male who sleeps with men and women, it largely happens internally for these guys. But even when they had trouble pointing to an absolute truth, or when their words were inconsistent and contradictory, they were candid, and I appreciated it.

All of the names have been changed and a few details have been obscured to ensure the anonymity of the subjects of this piece.


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  1. Good read and explains a lot about make sexuality.
    The one comment I find very true is how many times I am the other guy for a guy in a relationship. Don’t really care but there is a reason why. I also know guys who are divorced who play both sides of the street.
    But why not just accept it and be sure to play safe.
    Yes bi but like one of the guys said- sexuality is porous. Some days I feel very gay and others very bi and want a woman. I still see young gals with nice butts and want to fuck them. Maybe I am just a butt guy but then I have bent over been the bottom as well and liked that.
    But then maybe I just like to fuck.

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