The Glory Of Guys (83 Images)


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  1. WOW What a collection of men and boys! Something for everyone from gorgeous to handsom to cute. Big dicks, smooth bods and my favorite such edible looking butts makes my mouth water and my tongue quivver

  2. Now that is collection for every taste……truly something for everyone! And not a bad one in the bunch…so love the furry ones with the facial hair! WOOF! Between this spread and the hairy assholes spread you have made my Sunday a FUN day indeed and now need to go find some cock to make the day complete (or is that CUMplete)

  3. As others have said…something for everyone. V. hot indeed. My favourites…number 22 (black guy) and number 45!

  4. That which inspires, awes, and creates a desire to revere and worship: That’s what these wonderful images of the glory of man do.

  5. for the most part, totally FUCKABLE guys…minus several here and there that didn’t really do anything for the Mr. downstairs lol

  6. The bearded guy combing the hair on the shoulder of the other bearded guy… hot, and sweet. The expression on the ‘combee’ is priceless, and the scene just made me hard and dripping.

  7. #27: Mmmm luscious lusty thighs/calves.Wud lerve to lick and nibble and explode ma load all over his thunder thighs. Whoever wrote I Don’t Like Monday’s…hadn’t jerked his cock to this lot!!

    Merci as ever x

  8. I just love chcolate.. Damn what a cock on 11…hummm 14ooks like he gas a big one too from the expression on white face, 20 those eyes again, and numder 22, what I would not do to be in his place..Them there is that one standing in the woods with his cock hanging down !! Yummy

  9. 34!!!! OMG i just want to bury my face between those thighs, who is this wonderful looking young man! SARGE can i have him!!! PLEASE!..I’ll do anything…….!!!

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