The SUPER SEXY Photos Of Elvis DiFazio!


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Bright and ballsy, Di Fazio’s photos flash with kitsch erotica – a tongue slowly swirling in cheek. Di Fazio’s style has quickly unfurled, dancing from precise and emotive portraiture with a classic bent to something distinctly modern in its appeal.

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In the last year, Di Fazio’s profile has undergone a rapid evolution. Commissioned fashion stories in the US and South America and Europe collaborations with artists, designers and stylists; invitations to work with leading performance artists and various published features in a number of high fashion magazines.

Di Fazio’s fine art background has served him well, with his artistic sensibilities freeing him from the technical boundaries that prevent so many young photographers from forging into new territory.

“I want to put the dick back into ridiculous. There is no better combo than sex and humour for me.”

High fashion gutter trash “smutography”, Di Fazio’s crazed documentary style is an exciting aesthetic that paves a direction to see Di Fazio join the ranks alongside some of the worlds most iconic and truly original fashion photographers.

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  1. OH HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    the model with the leg tats.. ive shot him heaps of times too!!! hahaha
    wait till i tell him that hes all over a gay porn blog. he’ll love it.. hahahahahhahaha HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

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