Getting a blowjob in your bed, on the couch and in the comfort of your home is undeniably awesome. However, having a rowdy time with someone where you run the risk of getting caught can totally elevate the entire experience. In this article, we take a look at arguably the best places to have a risky public hookup.
5. At the gym
Coming in at Number 5 in our totally subjective ranking of the best places for gay public sex, we’ve gone with hooking up at the gym.
Does a bit of sweat and testosterone get your libido pumping?
Depending on the time of day, the showers, sauna and steam room can lead to a wet and wild time. However, the possibility of the gym locker room being too busy to get your gym cruise on means this public spot can be hit or miss.
Plus, some gyms actively discourage their members from getting it on. The risk of getting caught definitely adds to the excitement, but having your gym membership suspended is a total boner-killer.

4. In a Car
Coming in at Number 4 in our ranking of places to get it on for a bit of guy-on-guy action, we’re proposing a hook-up in the car.
With adjustable seats, taking your “date” anywhere without taking them home, and even adjusting your public sex risk level based on where you park the car make this an ideal spot for public sex.
However, the car may require sexual gymnastics for tall fellas and uncoordinated males, meaning the vehicle can be a cock blocker before things even begin.
If you find the right spot, we love getting it on in the car with the thrill of exhibitionism. Position yourself in the back seat, ass out, and let all those down-low guys take a turn.

3. The Great Outdoors
In third place on our ranking of where to get it on that’s not your place, his place, or a hotel room, is the great outdoors.
On a warm day, a gay park cruising in a well-hidden bush off the beaten track can help create your own pastoral fantasy. However, being outdoors means being exposed in the best and worst ways.
Before you start exploring the pleasure of park cruising, it’s a good idea to refresh yourself on what the local laws are – some places police this kind of thing more strictly than others.
Cruising generally takes a bit of patience. You don’t want to be in too much of a hurry. You’re also going to need to be able to read the body-language of the guys who cross your path – there’s not going to be a lot of talking, but if you read the signals right then there should be some pretty satisfying man-on-man action.

2. A Public Bathroom
Coming in at Number 2 on our ranking is the always popular Public Bathroom.
In the UK, this is referred to as Cottaging, whereas in North America the term used is Teamroom Trade.
Gay restroom cruising is a tried-and-true gay public cruising method, with options such as malls, universities, airports and train stations bringing a variety of different “patrons” depending on the locale. However, this may be one of the riskiest places to cruise, so keeping an eye and ear out for regular bathroom visitors may spoil some fun.
While you might just stumble upon an opportunity for a bit of public bathroom fun by happy accident, there tends to be specific restrooms that develop a bit of a reputation with the locals because of their out of the way location or a layout that lends itself to this kind of thing.
We’re always looking at the design of public bathrooms, checking the height of the cubicle dividers, assessing the opportunities for some understall action. Tap your foot and see who picks up on your signal.

1. Back Row of a Movie Theatre
Coming in at Number 1 on our ranking of the best places for outdoor hookups, we’ve gone with the back row of a movie theatre.
This may seem like a bit of an unexpected choice, but bear with us as we walk through the rationale.
There’s nothing like going to a late-night show on a weekday, a movie that’s seeing the end of its theatre run or a critically-panned feature that leaves an empty theatre for you to have some fun. There’s not much you can’t do with a date in the cover of darkness by sitting in the very back of the theatre. Just don’t sit right beneath the projector!
Also, this taps into our fantasies of the golden age of adult cinemas when men would come together to watch erotic films – a communal experience that not only enabled men to share the thrill of watching some steamy on-screen action, but also created opportunities for connecting to the men around you and lending a helping hand, or mouth, or ass. That’s the kind of 3-D cinematic experience that we’re looking for!

How does this ranking compare with your experiences? Any options that we should have included here? Slide into the comments section below and share your outdoor hook-up adventures!
Conquered 3 of 5 in one form or another.
Through the years I managed to do all 5 .. but in the bed room is my favorite place to play!
A car and a theater are the worst. Being side-by-side is hard to suck.
actually 4 and 3 ONLY – the rest are fantasy options
Very good post. I’ve done all but the gym and they’ve all been very exciting. I did it a few times with one guy who only did it in public when he thought he could get caught. I didn’t want to be caught, but he seemed to want to be. I stopped hooking up with him, hot as he was.
“The DickDock” in Provincetown, Massachusetts, USA. Every Summer night after the bars close. It’s free, completely legal, no risk of being arrested. It’s outside, dark and sexy, with the ocean waves crashing 25 feet away…..
Have done 4 of the 5, the gym the only place where I haven’t, although I admit one of my regular jerk off fantasies involves sex at what was a workplace gym with a guy I had a crush on, not traditionally handsome but had a great hairy ass, nice bubble butt. Never saw the appeal of sex in a car. And finally, love the rimming photo.
Cautionary note regarding no 2 in the UK… sexual activity (even solo) in public bathrooms is explicitly illegal (section 71 of Sexual Offences Act) regardless of how discreet it may be or whether anybody takes offence. For some that might make it exciting, but if prosecuted it could result in up to six months jail time or a large fine, and potentially being placed on the sex offenders register.
I worked in a movie theater. Why I haven’t been in years. If you knew what went on in one you’d not sit in those chairs either. It’s disgusting. Cars suck unless you’re 18. Now they all have bucket seats so that’s awkward . You forgot work. Ahhh. The memories of doing it upstairs in the office. Lol. Orlando! I miss that stud.
1 and 5
The gym was designed for gay sex, the aroma of sweaty jocks and jockstraps.
I didn’t realize I was such a man slut until I discovered that I’ve done all 5 with men and women! Gym shower sex, and outdoor sex are my favorite, but I’ve had some awesome mutual jackoff sessions in the car recently as well.
I love outdoor sex. Whether it’s in the woods or on a beach, something about the fresh air and big open sky makes sex outside more enjoyable. I’ve never tried any of the others. After low-key and sustained flirting session with a hot guy in a sauna several years ago (imagine a 29 year-old muscular Johnny Cash), I’ve been open to the idea gym sex. None of the other options have appealed to me.
Camping fun sounds hot af about now
Camping is great, me and a guy used to go all the time, something fun about shitting in the woods together and getting down and dirty
Hmm surprised my favourite the sauna bathhouse isn’t on the list, free to fuck and suck, no risk, every one there for the same thing. I do like the public toilet for the thrill though…maybe because my early experiences was at the urinal, might explain my love of watersports and piss play 😂
I’ve done #2 – #5.
I just need to check off #1.
I spent my 20-s & 30-s having lots of public bathroom / public inside & public outside sex with countless strangers. Rarely a time I didn t connect with some anonymous cock(s).
Isn’t it called Tearoom Trade not Teamroom Trade?
Tea rooms used to be hot sex but now (in Canada) most washrooms have been renovated with an open entrance so there is no door to act as a warning. It is like a national move to shut down gay sex in washrooms
2, 3, and 4. The times in a car were out of necessity. I don’t recommend it. Love the park play and public bathrooms (best are highway rest areas). You never know who’s coming in or what it’ll turn in to. I find the anonymity and the unknown hot af.
Years ago when yunger in Boy Scouts when working on merit badges I served all at the old Y when all swam naked and there weren’t any gyms
As I grew older I had the pleasure of serving in #2-#5
Oh how Grandpa wishes I was yunger again
For me it’s safer in a bathhouse…..I luv sucking strange cock in steamrooms and saunas
Spent years enjoying public stranger sex with guys: bathrooms, urianls & stalls, stairwells, saunas, hallways and in the great outdoors on trails when biking across the region. A rare day when want of cock outweighed the possible risks. Looking back – I had a high number of repeaters 😉 Suck-cess ! & happy holes.