What’s the Deal with Having a Cum Eating Fetish?


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Are you a bit of a cum pig? Do you get off on eating a guy’s load?

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Wet your appetite and read on to understand why some of your hookups are really going to want to eat your cum.

What is a Cum Eating Fetish?

On one level, a cum eating fetish is pretty self-explanatory – it describes a guy that is really into eating cum.

While most of us are generally enthusiastic about cum, it’s helpful to remember that there’s a difference between a kink and a fetish. A kink is something that you’re into, and it can help you get off, whereas a fetish is something that you need to get off – if it’s your fetish, then you won’t get off unless that particular button is pushed.

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So, if you’ve got a cum eating fetish, any sort of sexual encounter is going to be a bit of a let-down if you don’t get to eat some cum.

What’s the science behind a cum fetish?

We don’t need to get all Freudian about this, but the general consensus is that the development of a sexual fetish is probably linked to some formative experience in the early stages of your sexual experience.

It’s not always easy to pinpoint a specific experience or direct cause-and-effect, but it’s likely that there was some really intense moment somewhere around puberty that has somehow translated into a hunger for cum.

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There might have been a BDSM element to that formative experience. The power dynamics of sexual encounters could lead you to associate swallowing cum with demonstrating subservience.

Alternatively, that formative experience might have had something to do with the thrill of doing something taboo or forbidden. As we’ve discussed in articles about gay rape play or gay BDSM, if you’re associating cum eating as something taboo – even if that’s a subconscious association – then any opportunity to explore the sensation of breaking that taboo can be really powerful.

Not everyone would see cum eating as something taboo. Early Christian rituals included eating cum as part of ceremonial worship – a man’s cum was described as his liquid soul. Perhaps that’s why the best gay head can sometimes feel like a religious experience.

There are also theories that there’s a physiological basis for a cum fetish. Semen is made up of compounds such as cortisol, progesterone, oxytocin, and prolactin. These compounds could have mood-enhancing and stress-reducing effects when absorbed through the mucous membranes in the mouth. You may not consciously make the connection that getting a hit of cum will effectively be swallowing an antidepressant, but your body intuitively knows what it needs.

How Can I Make My Cum Taste Better?

If you’re regularly having hookups with guys that have a cum eating fetish, then you probably want to ensure that the loads that you’re providing are as tasty as possible.

We went deep on this in our last cum eating article, but the short answer is that the taste of your cum may be influenced by factors such as your diet, your overall health, and your lifestyle choices.

The urban myth that eating pineapple will make your cum taste sweeter hasn’t been scientifically verified, but it probably doesn’t do any harm to add some pineapple and other antioxidants to your diet.

You might want to explore supplements such as wheatgrass or spirulina, as these are high in chlorophyll and may have some health benefits. Fenugreek is another supplement often associated with semen quality, so it’s worth considering.

However, it’s important to distinguish between your cum and your urine. Urine is a waste product of your body – you can see a direct connection between what you put into your mouth and what comes in your urine. For example, if you eat asparagus, you can smell the results, or if you don’t drink enough water, you can see how this is reflected in your urine.

Your cum isn’t a waste product – it’s a substance your body generates. It’s much harder to see any direct correlation between what you put into your mouth and what comes out in your cum because the process of generating semen is more complicated than that.

What Happens When You Swallow Cum?

Even if you don’t have a fully-fledged cum eating fetish, a bit of cum-play is always fun

When receiving cum during oral sex, you can spit it out, swallow it, or snowball it – just go with what feels good to you, don’t overthink it.

Because we’re generally taking our cues from porn, you might want to smear it over the guy’s cock and really make the most of it. That’s the money shot, and you want the camera to capture the action, but even if you’re not filming your encounter, it can still be a turn-on to show your hook-up that you’re into really savouring his load.

If you’re concerned about STIs, your risks are pretty much the same whether you’re spitting or swallowing. As anyone who is sexually active and getting dick aplenty, ensure you’re testing regularly for STIs to stay on top of any issues.

A sexual health strategy called doxy-PEP, which involves taking doxycycline after condomless sex, is highly effective in reducing bacterial sexually transmitted infections. However, it has been associated with a slight increase in resistant strains of bacteria. The strategy was observed in a study of men who have sex with men and transgender women and found to reduce STIs by two-thirds each quarter.

Related resources from Squirt.org

Written by Gareth Johnson

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  1. On the “STIs” front, I think the only ones you can get through semen are generally the ones transmitted via blood or other body fluids (so, mainly HIV and hepatitis) but there are OTHER viruses, not usually described as “STIs” (Zika, Ebola, dengue fever, rubella, even smallpox) that MAY be transmitted through semen. However . . . it’s generally not too problematic for any of these infections as long as the “eater” doesn’t have open sores or cuts or ulcers anywhere in the entire digestive tract (so mouth, esophagus, stomach). The stomach’s acids usually do a good job of killing off most viruses but, again, the virus has to make it there without having a chance of entering the bloodstream.

  2. Most of my bottoms have ate my cum from the condom. It’s super hot. Somebody should come up with a name for it

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