In 1972, Burt Reynolds shared a late-night talk show couch (in a totally non-sexual way) with Helen Gurley Brown, author of Sex and the Single Girl and editor of Cosmopolitan. At some point in the evening, Brown challenged Reynolds to pose for a nude centerfold in her magazine, and he agreed. Here he is (above) in all his bearskinned glory (cigarillo now photoshopped out of his smirking lips). Below is Mario Lopez’s version.
So who would you choose for a hot fuck session on the bearskin? 70’s Burt or present day Mario?
burt of course
Mario for certain.
Its an easy choice for me. Mario. I like the clean smooth chisseld look. A hard man is always good to find, and this young man is no exception.
Mario indeed.
I’m gonna have to go with 70’s Burt. What’s the point of sex with a man if there’s no chest hair to run your fingers through?
I’ve always had a hard-on for Burt, I love the fur.
^Preferences, of course, but I’ll take being able to bite, lick, nibble and kiss his nipples WITHOUT spending an hour removing hairs from my tongue over that. If my fingers are going to run through any hair it’ll be his lucious locks on his head.
Mario, all the way, Never did like Burt, he was always so stuck on himself.
Good ‘old Burt Reynolds!!!!! have always had the hots for that man, wooooof!
my choice would be Mario without a doubt
As hot as Mario is, between the two, I’d choose 70’s Burt.
Let’s face it Mario has a great bod, but I would still pick Burt, even today.
Hands down Mario
Mario all the WAY
Burt, always. This photo was for me at tender 3 or 4 yo something that I spent hours looking at. I remember the magazine and how often I will love to look for it just to see the photo. very nice to see it here and see that he was a very hot man. hmmm
Burt for me. I prefer to be topped.
niether one they’re both uglie
Mario for sure!
Mario I guess.
mario for sure
I’ll let Dinah keep Burt if I can get Mario, Thank You!
i’ve heard numerous reports that Burt is very underendowed…. so in spite of my preference for fur – in this case I’d do Mario
Definitely Mario, but he needs to admit his true nature first! Enough with his denial of being a dick lover.
Mario is the obvious choice.
Who the fuck is Mario Lopez..??
neither they both are stuck on themselves
Mario 😛
Mario. Always Mario.
mario now and forever