With This Ring… Ready To Wed? No, Mom


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Picture of Aaron Breslow with Dan Scudellari in Brooklyn by Danny Ghitis

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And so it begins… moms of gay kids are now pestering them to get married. Great article at the New York Times:


FOR the last year, Aaron Breslow, 23, an H.I.V. project coordinator, has been dating Dan Scudellari, 26, an advertising executive. They have spent holidays with each other’s families, and enjoy searing scallops and making kale salads in their apartments in Brooklyn.

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Mr. Breslow’s stepmother, Lorraine Gray, wants them to marry.
They were mildly interested when New York lawmakers voted to allow same-sex marriage. Then Mr. Breslow’s stepmother called. “She congratulated me on gay marriage passing and said, ‘This is a great opportunity for you,’ ” Mr. Breslow said.

But there’s a problem: Mr. Breslow, who calls himself queer rather than gay, philosophically opposes marriage. “I don’t understand the concept of legalized monogamy and normalcy,” said Mr. Breslow, who has a brother, Jacob, also gay. “My brother and I both studied queer theory.”


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  1. Interesting. I don’t know how i truly feel on the whole gay marriage thing. In Canada we have had the right for several years now and i think for the most part i agree that it is only legallized monogomy. Partners living together already enjoy all the benefits of marriage after all.

  2. Love the pic of the two hotties in their flat with the ironing board in the middle of the shot. Oh, domestic bliss!

  3. Marriage just means that when you break up, instead of just getting to throw his belongings out the highest window, you get to legally keep half of it.

  4. AYA…your funny. Remember the fight for this right….shared spousal benefits, pensions when one spouse passes on…u know the general rights that other married breeders have for pete sakes. Just the basic right to say this is who I will love the rest of my life. Sorry..I did see the humour though in your reply.

  5. I love the presumption of marriage being some kind of normalising force. Heterosexuals have diverse relationship styles while being married. What makes people think gays and bisexuals aren’t going to do the same?

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