YEY!… Adshel reinstates safe sex ad after removal sparked online backlash!


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Via Herald Sun:

ADVERTISING company Adshel has bowed to an online backlash against its decision to pull down billboards promoting safe sex after it was accused of homophobia.

More than 25,000 people joined a “Rip and Roll” Facebook support group after their safe sex advertisement targeting gay men was pulled down from Brisbane bus stops.

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The Queensland Association for Healthy Communities started the group after Adshel – the company that provides advertising for Brisbane’s bus shelters – buckled to pressure from the Christian lobby and removed the ad featuring an image of a gay couple embracing, holding an unopened red condom packet.

Announcing their backflip this afternoon, the company said it had changed its mind because it did not realise it had been subjected to a campaign from the Australian Christian Lobby to remove the posters.

and this:

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The “Homophobia – NOT HERE – Adshel Caves to Homophobic Pressure” Facebook campaign generated a big public response after Michael James – who appeared in the ad with his partner – asked the public to join their petition.


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