“Your Mother Is A Whore!”


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Bristol Palin, Sarah Palin daughter, was enjoying her time at West Hollywood’s Saddle Ranch restaurant with her friends and the film crew of her new reality show. Bristol got on the mechanical bull and rode it. But, as Bristol fell off the mechanical bull a man from the bar started shouting things to Bristol such as “Your mother is a whore,” “Did you ride Levi like that,” and “Your mother is a f***ing devil.” Well Bristol was not happy and having any of that especially in front of her film crew and the paparazzi. Bristol quickly walked over and confronted the man and both began shouting and arguing. The Saddle Ranch management tried breaking it up but Bristol and the man kept going at it till the film crew took Bristol away!

PALIN: “Alright, is it because you’re a homosexual?”

MAN: “Pretty much. And why’d you say I’m a homosexual?”

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PALIN: “Because I can tell you are. This is your boyfriend. And that’s why you don’t like my mom.

MAN: “No, that’s not why I don’t like your mom. Your mom is evil.”

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  1. The poof had no right… hes not a homosexual hes a fucking dirty queer. Typical Queer picking on a young girl cause he wont start on a man.. He should be ashamed of himself.

  2. If he’d wanted to seriously embarass her *and* hold any kind of moral high ground, he would have gone up to her and began to challenge her vigourously on her mother’s homophobia.

    Instead what does he do? Shouts pretty vile personal insults at her from halfway across the room.

    Yep, properly manly and mature behaviour there.

  3. Let’s go back to the part where a chowderhead like this Palin dolt gets her own “reality” show. Shame on anyone who watches this rubbish on TV — it only encourages the Bristol Palins and Snooki Polizzis of the world to think they’re actually worthy of such attention. And the Dalai Lama has no TV show. Go figure. The more we’re force-fed the Palin phenomena, the more I love Levi.

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