Anderson Cooper’s Crappy Cell Phone


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Via D-Listed:
Today’s definition of “too easy” is the e-mail that farted into my inbox with the subject: “Video: Anderson Cooper’s Cell Has Fecal Bacteria On It!”

I have come up with three explanations for this (literal) shit:

1. The Silver Fox’s BlackBerry (more like BrownBerry) is a bareback top who really needs to wear a Trojan cell phone cover more often.

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2. Mah Boo just learned a valuable lesson: you should always rinse with Listerine after you eat ass and before you use your phone.

3. It vibrates, and I’ll leave it at that.

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  1. OMG…. Sorry, but learning that Anderson Cooper ( should change that to POOPER now) doesn’t wash his hands and his phone is covered in Fecal Mat..ok…SHIT…. that’s just TMI, and YES, I’ll NEVER be able to look at him the same way. And God forbid he try to shake my hand if I ran into him anywhere…not without wearing a CONDOM GLOVE 🙁

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