GWISSUES Talks To CHI CHI LARUE about the mass of suicides happening in the porn industry.


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Drag Queen and adult film producer talks about the mass of suicides happening in the porn industry.

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  1. Ive never listened to these interviews before but this was REALLY worth it. Particularly the part about being “nicer” to everyone. I couldn’t agree more.

  2. Who wrote the headline, a monkey?
    We have not seen a “mass” of suicides in the porn industry.
    We have recently seen a “cluster” of suicides.
    Jonestown was a “mass” suicide. One person ending his life is a tragedy. But it doesn’t add up to a “mass” of suicide.

  3. Every June Chi Chi Larue a.k.a. Larry David Paciotti hosts D.C. Pride and does a fantastic job, but this chat is the first time I’ve seen how glibly honest and personable he conveys to me. Thank-you. As for competing against online streaming of porn videos, traditional adult films need to add more engaging plots instead of the usual formula – the encounter, the heavy petting, the groping, the establishing dominant and submissive roleplay, the stripping down to nudity, first the blowjob, then the rimming, then the three standard sex positions and the orgasm.

  4. As a 55 year old man who grew up in a time when being gay was still a ‘mental illness’ and who bought into all the stereotypes of the time (gays were weak, sissy, couldn’t do sports or be in a locker room, and should be ASHAMED of my desires and affections,) I always tell people this: If I had access to gay porn back then the way I do now, I would have been a MUCH better adjusted, proud, unashamed person. I wish more porn stars appreciated that their modelling of healthy, exciting, joyous, unashamed sexuality is important.

  5. I really enjoyed that clip, it is sad when anyone dies, but especially if someone takes their own life, to feel so alone and unloved that you feel your only option is suicide! Like Chi Chi says, people need to learn to be nicer to each other!

  6. A little honesty here. First there is no doubt how sad it is that these lives have been lost to suicide. There is also no doubt that these guys weren’t “porn stars” or “actors”. They were sex workers & Chi Chi & his/her contemporaries were their pimps. The guys got paid a fee & the companies made a huge majority of the money. The industry is “saddened” but will continue to make money on these guys movies into eternity. The mention of money in the interview is disgusting. Poor, poor Chi Chi doesn’t make as much money any more. Go get a job in an industry that doesn’t have such a huge drug problem & doesn’t kill guys, decade after decade.

  7. Good interview, but even Chi Chi calls it safe sex, it’s not it’s only safER sex with condom or dental damn. Just wish people would get it right.

  8. rptop, why the fuck are you on this website? Characterizing ChiChi LaRue as a “pimp” is offensive to the extreme. Porn stars aren’t forced into the industry; these days, they’re the ones soliciting the studios. So calling them sex workers…why don’t you just really say how you feel — they’re hookers to you. Don’t bullshit us by using a euphemism, you think they’re just hookers who work on camera.

    You make me sick.

  9. right… another one bites the dust… and then?

    So many innocent lives are being lost in total war conflicts around the world and I am meant to sympathise with the loss of yet another “adult film performer” … I will try to shed a crocodile tear or two..

    People choose their career paths. Adult films, like any other short-term vocations, will always attract people that want to share with the world their entire sexual proclivities… that doesn’t mean to say that those people are necessarily, mentally adjusted. Or, that they are nice off-camera.

    To most mentally adjusted people, the thought of having sex on camera for the entire world to see, decades after you appeared in it is enough to turn them off doing it in the first place. Who wants that sort of stuff lurking in your background, not knowing when it will pop up later? Adult film stars, on the other hand, are attracted to the money and the associated celebrity-status. They are like models for the clothing industry. Pieces of flesh that look good writhing about on camera.

    And then one of them dies. Well, that is what will happen to all of us. No one escapes death. People that end their lives prematurely may have lots of reasons for choosing termination as their only solution out of their own manifest problems. But, the rest of us continue to soldier on.

  10. its not really of a surprise with the nature of miss C. meth, mixed with hyper-narcissism that are fed by being adored by viewers, goes….Never had i thought of them as perfection and should nobody think of them. the Bottom line it is the drug that throws oil into fire. people wont care if they stop taking drug or not, as long as they get what they want to see. I do not think porn stars are in any privileged position with the drug issues and somehow they expect their fans to do something about it ? its just as much foolish of them thinking they could make it big and porn is just the bridge that helps them get there as they as they expect something special happen to them because they have the body everybody want. Personally hyper muscles is never sexy to me at all esp nowaays most professionally shot porn are boring and redundant…

  11. Nice to see a few voices of Sanity here. Keep up the Good Comments Lurker86. The only guys who care about these Suicides, are the ones who aren’t having sex with LIVE People, just the DEAD & FANTASY ones on their screens. Now that’s Tragic 🙁

  12. Dead wrong, InteriorHunter, and the pun is intended.

    A great majority of the individuals — men and women — who care about these suicides are indeed having sex with “live” people. That is perhaps why we feel these losses so keenly — we know what it is to enjoy the full panoply of human companionship, and deeply regret it when one of our own is lost to those forces he perceives are greater than himself.

    Believe it or not, I have sex with real people. Those real people include life-long friends who also happened to work in the adult enhtertainment industry at one time or another. I personally knew many of the dear men who are no longer with us. You have no right to degrade their existence nor impugn their memory.

    And I’m not the only person on the planet who has sex with live people AND still finds it in his heart to mourn the passing of another human being.

    Sure, there are guys who jack off to images on their computer screens. That doesn’t make them tragic characters, just diverse in their interests. To condemn everyone who grieves for those who take their own lives, and to accuse the occasional porn surfer of being fatally flawed in their very existence, is ignorance, intolerance and just plain stupidity at its most flagrant.

  13. Nice to see you took time out from your “dating” site at the Cemetary T. How touching your DEAR FRIENDS are Porn Stars. Aren’t you Lucky. At least they know they have a FRIEND to dig their Graves for them, and Whitewash what Shallow, Self Centered, Alcoholics & Drug Addicts they were before they BRAVELY Killed themselves.
    PS – Love how we should all BE NICE. Excuse me, but considering the Majority of guys on this site, WORSHIP the Ground these LEGENDS walked on, and would probably Kill themselves if they could have Sex with one of these GODS, just how much NICER do these LOSERS need to be Worshipped? I DON’T CARE if they are Alive or Dead. I repeat, only someone who spends their time having Masturbation Parties, as bars and members have said they do, to show their LOVE & DEVOTION to these Losers, care if they commit Suicide.
    Good Riddence as far as I’m concerned.

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