MORE RUFF TRADE! (24 pics)


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RUFF TRADE is the most wicked Tumblr blog chock full of sexy bad boys & men. It was gone for a while… but now it’s back! Here’s a sample!

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  1. I just want #1…….to slide that beautiful cock past these tonsils and slap those big hot cum filled tank nuts against my chin. Looks just like the one I swallowed last night at the truck stop. DAMN!

  2. #11 (dog tags and combat boots) is about the hottest man I have ever seen! That come ready for sex look NOW he has, man I would love to explore this man thoroughly.

  3. Oh yeah I forgot the best part, the hairy beast that he (#11) is, bet he would be a great lay. Has me so hard. Were there any other pictures here? Don’t recall any others.

  4. Interesting how all the guys RAVING over these White Trash Crack Heads, and…GASP….”SMOKERS”, and a few who look like they might be Serial Killers, are the same guys who find BEN GODFRE a Stoner, etc. Looks like Big Time Hypocrites, who prefer Gutter Trash Losers over someone who has actually got more to offer, than Drugs & Booze.

  5. Before Y! went puritanical there was a photo-driven group call ‘ruff trade’ and those men really were. There was little muscle and no ‘cute’ faces. Not-so-easy on the eyes, typically thin, with bigger than average cocks. That’s what is so appealing about ruff trade to me: guys that don’t turn the heads of people who don’t know what they’re missing.

  6. The No 1 will fit nicely , No 5 I have never taken a black cock and I would have love to try and taste one this way and also No 8 rough and hard would be soooo exciting……

  7. does anyone happen to know where that “CUNT.” tshirt is from? message me on squirt – dontcha1982


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