Cock rings. Let’s discuss. Some guys are really into cock rings – others, not so much.
A cock ring can serve fashion and it can also serve function. But is it a must-have accessory for your sexed-up wardrobe?
Let’s get to grips with this important subject.

What Is a Cock Ring?
There’s a range of different styles and designs in the world of cock rings. They’re usually constructed of silicone, leather, or metal. The design of the cock ring dictates how you wear them – it could be designed to go around the cock and balls, or just the cock-shaft, or there’s some that really separate the balls out.
From a functional perspective, the objective is to enable you to maintain a hard cock. A cock ring can do this by restricting the blood-flow that’s exiting your cock. Put a cock ring on your hard cock and you’re holding that hardness in there.
But cock rings aren’t always about maintaining erections – they can just be something fun and sexy to wear. In a fast-paced, gay orgy era, if you’re going to be naked and hard, why not accessorise a little?

Which is Better: A Silicon or Metal Cock Ring?
If you’re thinking about buying a cock ring, your first consideration is probably whether you opt for a silicone cock ring or a metal cock ring.
Ultimately, it comes down to personal preference. But there’s a few factors at play that might guide your choices.
A big one is cost. Metal cock rings will generally be more expensive than silicone cock rings.
Finding the right size for your cock ring is also something to consider. Silicone cock rings are more flexible and a bit easier to use. If you get the wrong size in a metal cock ring, there’s not much you can do about it. A silicone cock ring is a bit more forgiving in both directions.
If you’re wanting to express your personality with a hot dick picture that you’re sending to a guy that you’re trying to impress, then there are going to be more colours and styles available in the silicone versions. Metal cock rings can come in a range of colours, but that’s about it.
Some guys prefer the weight of a metal cock ring. If a silicone cock ring is feeling a bit tight, it can get really uncomfortable and feel a bit like you’re being castrated. With a metal cock ring, you know where you stand.

What About Leather Cock Rings?
Leather cock rings are a bit more of an old-school choice in the world of cock rings. They’ll generally feature some studs or straps so that you can adjust the ring to fit your cock size.
Leather cock rings often look best if you’re going for a leather-daddy BDSM look at a sex party or circle jerk – the harness, the cock ring, the arm-band, and the boots, and you’re good to go.
A key factor with leather cock rings is that they’re not as easy to clean or maintain as silicone or metal versions.

How Do I Put on a Cock Ring?
This may vary a little depending on the design of the cock ring that you’re working with, but essentially you need to get the cock ring onto your hard cock.
A bit of lube might be useful to make sure that the ring slides smoothly into position.
It should feel snug, but not too tight. If it feels like your dick is about to fall off then you’re going to need a bigger size.

Should I Invest in a Vibrating Cock Ring?
The world of sex toys and gadgets to enhance your pleasure is fascinating and endless. Vibrating cock rings are a thing and they can be fun – effectively, the vibrating cock ring delivers pulses to the cock. They’re mostly battery-powered and offered marketed as providing clitoral stimulation if your cock is fucking a vagina – but they can feel good whatever hole you’re fucking.

Can I Make a Homemade Cock Ring or DIY Cock Ring?
While it’s technically possible to make your own cock ring, you want to be cautious about this. If you’ve watched a fair bit of gay vintage porn, you’ll probably have seen Al Parker tying leather straps around his cock to keep it hard, but this can easily go wrong.
As a general rule, stick to the professionally made options and experiment with different styles until you find what works best for you.
You may end up deciding that you’re just not a cock ring kind of guy, and that’s totally cool. They’re an optional accessory, not essential, but it’s fun to try new things.

If a top wants to wear one, I am fine with that and it can enhance his masculinity but I don’t care for them on me. The leather one that Boomer Banks has on looks really cool.
Personally, to answer the question “What should I look for in a cock ring,” I’d like to look for the first model (the one who’s fully clothed) in a cock ring.
Oh, way to go. Change the picture so my earlier comment is ridiculous. (For those coming in late, the ORIGINAL picture at the top of the page featured a very handsome live model.)
I think this article is written by a complete non cock ring wearer. If you can get the cock ring on AFTER you are hard, it is completely useless.
He calls leather cock rings “old school”, but the advantage is you can put it on afterwards. And you can clean leather.
Thanks Gareth. I have never used them, and my own regular men don’t either.
But in my early days of playing, I met several METAL kok rings. I hated the fukn things. My teeth kept hitting them. Ouch!
Cheers. J.