While it may not be the bit of your body that you’re focusing on when you’re at the gym, the anus is a muscle that regularly gets a workout. If your butt is usually the star of the show during your hook-up encounters, some targeted anal exercises could be the way to take your performance to the next level.
Interested? Pants down and let’s get to work.
Is the Anus Really a Muscle?
Absolutely. While your glutes generally get all the attention, your anus is a muscle that plays a pretty important role in your day-to-day life.
It’s worth doing a bit of reading to understand how the mechanics of your butt work.
Your anus – the word is derived from the Latin for ‘ring’ – is the opening at the opposite end of your digestive tract from your mouth.
The main function of your anus is to control the expulsion of your faeces from your body.
In simple terms, your anus is controlled by two muscles – your internal sphincter and your external sphincter.
There’s often a bit of misunderstanding about where your internal sphincter is. Some people talk about their ‘second sphincter’, as in – ‘he fucked me so deep he pushed past my second sphincter’. That sensation might be real, but it’s not your internal sphincter that he’s hitting, he’s just pushing up towards your colon where it’s probably a bit tighter so might feel like he’s pushing through something – he is literally rearranging your guts.
Your internal and your external sphincter are pretty much layered on top of each other and they work together to control the opening and closing of your anus.
Your internal sphincter is described as an involuntary muscle – it’s just constantly in a contracted state. No amount of exercising is going to have any impact on your internal sphincter, it just does what it does. Your external sphincter is the one that you’ve got a bit more control over – a bit of focused exercise might help you to increase the control you have over your anus. These exercises are generally referred to as pelvic-floor or kegel exercises.

Can You Strengthen Your Butt for Gay Anal Sex?
Health professionals will generally be talking about kegel exercises for people who are struggling with incontinence. But, for many of us, the anus is also a major player in our sexual encounters and there’s an increasing recognition that regularly exercising your external sphincter can make anal play more fun for everyone.
Exercising your external sphincter will also be engaging your pelvic floor muscles – that delivers a range of benefits including stronger erections, orgasm control, and more explosive cum-shots.

How to Do Kegel Exercises for Men
You don’t need to be in a gym or alone in your bathroom to be exercising your external sphincter with some kegel exercises. You can do kegels anywhere and at any time.
The simplest form of the kegel exercise for your external sphincter is to firmly and consciously clench your butt cheeks like you’re holding in a fart. Do this multiple times – clench and release, clench and release. You can do this anywhere – sitting at your desk, while you’re on the train. A quick 10-15 clenches each day is all you need to keep your external sphincter engaged and ready for action.
A slightly more involved version of the anal kegel is to lie on your back – knees bent, legs spread. Focus on clenching that external sphincter muscle – clench and hold for 5 seconds, then relax for 4 seconds, repeating for 10-15 clenches at a time.
A variation on this lying down kegel is to focus on quick pulsing clenches of your external sphincter – quick clenches with instant release, keep doing this as long as you can until you’re ready for a break.
To take your anal kegel exercises to the next level, inserting a small toy into your butt and then doing your clenching can help to engage that external sphincter muscle in different ways.
Some people swear by wearing a small anal plug while working out at the gym – it will make you more aware of how your external sphincter muscle is activated and engaged while you’re doing functional exercises such as squats or deadlifts.

Don’t forget the basics
While exercising your external sphincter is a good addition to your workout regiment, anal play still requires plenty of lube and getting the basics right – such as douching.
It’s important to remember that the body isn’t really designed for douching. In normal circumstances, your butt does a pretty good job of getting rid of the waste and keeping itself functional.
If you’re douching too often, you’re likely to upset the balance of your butt – you could damage the internal lining, and this might lead to an infection.
There’s not really any hard and fast rules on how much is too much when it comes to douching. A couple of times a week is probably the most you want to be doing.
If you are douching on a regular basis, be conscious of how your body is feeling and be aware that you might need to cut back on the douching if any problems start to emerge.

Good info. Some hot guys, too.
Thanks for the info, I am going to try these exercises because I believe they will enhance my performance during anal sex, and who doesn’t want that?
As a bottom, so much is in the preparation.