Should I Invest in a Cum Rag for Gay Sex?


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There’s something quintessentially male about a cum rag. Every guy, however they describe their sexuality, will recognise the need to have something at hand when masturbating – something to wipe up the mess of cum and lube that you’re left with in the post-nut clarity that follows a solid bate.

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What is a cum rag?

Sure, you’re going to need some clean-up options for whatever sexual encounter you’re enjoying it – whether it’s an anonymous gay hookup from the dating sites or dicking down your husband on a Tuesday night.

But the concept of a cum-rag is most intrinsically linked to solo bate sessions where it’s just you and your dong having a bit of quality time.

A cum-rag is a piece of fabric of some description. It could be a washcloth, a small towel, a sock, underwear, or a t-shirt – pretty much anything will do the job.

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While whatever you’ve got close to hand is generally what you’ll reach for when you need to wipe yourself up, ideally, you’ll have planned ahead and have a designated cum-rag in mind before you grease up and start stroking.

How often should you wash your cum rag?

From a hygiene point of view, the obvious move would be to wash your cum rag after each use. However, there are many reasons why you might not do that.

For example, you may only have cum rag or at least a favourite cum rag. Even if you’ve got multiple cum rags available, you might be trying to minimize your laundry.

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What that means is that, in practice, you’re probably getting multiple uses out of your cum rag before it hits the washing machine. There’s nothing wrong with that, it’s fine.

There is another variation in this scenario where having a crusty, well-used cum rag becomes part of the Bator Boy homosexual fantasy. Wiping up your loads with the same cum rag over an extended period is aspirational for a lot of ‘bators – the cum rag becomes a DNA-rich comfort blanket, of sorts.

Do I need a cum rag for a gay hook up?

Having some clean-up options on hand is all part of preparing for whatever kind of sexual encounter you’re hoping will go down – just like access to condoms and having the best lube – you can visualize your sexual encounters like a downhill slalom skier and prepare accordingly.

Having a towel or two close to where the action is going to happen avoids those awkward stumbles to the bathroom or the wardrobe to find something suitable.

Putting some forethought into the clean-up options also helps speed up the exit of your hook-up. Not that you’re necessarily going to be keen to get him out the door as fast as possible as soon as you’ve shot your load, but you probably will be. Avoid the awkward discussions about whether or not he wants a shower – hand him a cum-rag, give him a moment to wipe what needs to be wiped, and then send him on his way.

The other – very practical – reason to have a cum-rag handy during your hook-up encounters is that accidents sometimes happen. While everyone seems to take pre-anal douching very seriously, it’s not an exact science. Shit happens, literally. A handy cum-rag can help to minimise the potential awkwardness or embarrassment of a doucher whose body isn’t playing ball.

This is particularly relevant if you’re not using a condom and you’re in your gay bareback sex era – a condom can shield you to some extent if things get messy during gay anal fucking.

But the primary purpose of your cum rag is to deal with the big ass cumshot – assuming that the cum has sprayed all over you and has not been conveniently deposited into an orifice.

What is the difference between a cum rag and a good gay sex towel?

While these may sound like the same thing, there is a difference in both size and purpose.

As we’ve outlined above, a cum rag is a small cloth used for wiping up cum. A sex towel is generally what you put down to protect your sheets or furniture – you fuck on the sex towel to help minimise your clean-up once you’re done.

Obviously, you can have sex without putting a towel down. Sometimes, it’s a spontaneous thing, or you could be in the car or gay cruising somewhere looking for an anonymous hookup. Plus, if you are going to use a sex towel, you don’t want to make a big deal about it – focusing on the clean-up before anything has happened is a bit of a boner-killer. Sex should feel urgent, necessary, and uninhibited, with no thought for the consequences or the aftermath. It’s only after the loads have been shot and the showers taken that you can congratulate yourself on the forethought of putting down a sex towel.

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  1. I used to use my step brother’s jocks as a cum rag after he had. He didn’t know I did though. I loved the feeling of my cock in his wet cum filled jocks and then adding to it with my own load. I sometimes still use dirty jocks as a cum rag when I want to contain my juice. But most of the time if I’m enjoying some me time I just try to cum in my mouth.

  2. Me and an old boyfriend used to swap our cum filled jocks and wear them for days until they were filthy then fuck each other stuffing our musky scent into each others noses…

  3. I prefer Wet Ones for cleanup after I’ve been laid. They work quite well and are easily disposed of.

    While masturbating, I use a lid to a margarine container, I lick it clean in true slut fashion. Clean & easy!

  4. I love my cum rag. It’s completely crusty and stained with my loads. I blow quite a lot and far, I can shoot metres, so have to use a cum rag to keep things clean. My current cum rag has been used for over a year now. I never was it, I just love the look of it with all my blow stains, it’s a white (originally) cotton napkin, but the accumulation of cum has turned it a yellowish orange. Looks fucking hot. I’m getting hard thinking about it. Would dig seeing picks of other guys rags.

  5. I love my cum rag, its a wash cloth I keep in my night stand bottom drawer, Nice and crusty. Sometimes I take it out just to smell it, it smells so sweet, makes me all horny, then I add a fresh wet load to my rag to smell later.

  6. Okay.
    Love you guys.
    But a whole article on cum rags”? That’s a stretch… or at the very least, a tug.
    Nobody “needs” to “invest” in a cum rag.
    That’s what socks are for.

  7. This has got to be the stupidest article ever published anywhere. Seriously, is it that slow of a “news day” at Squirt, or did you fall and hit your head?

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