Are you into feet? When you’re with a guy, is it his feet that you want to get up close and personal with, or do you want him worshipping your feet?
Whether it’s a mild kink or a fully-fledged fetish, lots of guys report that feet are a major erogenous zone.
Let’s get into it.

What is a gay foot fetish?
In simple terms, a kink is something that arouses you and that can help you get off, whereas a fetish is something that you pretty much need in order to be aroused and get off.
For the purposes of this article, we’re going to use terms such as “foot fetish” in the broad sense to include the full kink to fetish spectrum in all things feet-related.
We’re talking about the actual appendages. A shoe fetish is kind of in the same ball-part but shoes are in a category of their own. We’re talking sucking on toes, frotting against the soles, fucking the insteps, yeah?
To be honest, a foot fetish is towards the vanilla end of the world of kink. Every gay OnlyFans content creator has figured out that there’s an audience out there who appreciate a bit of foot action. No one is going to call you a freak or a perv if you suggest a bit of toe-sucking.

What’s the science behind a gay foot fetish?
As we discussed in our previous gay male foot fetish piece, we’re going to need some more research to definitely get to the bottom of why most of us find feet to be a bit of a turn-on.
One researcher in MedicalNewsToday has proposed that it’s something to do with the way that the pleasure receptors in our brain are wired. It’s a bit the same as why we react to having our nipples stimulated – it’s hard-wired into our brain that nipple play feels good. Unsurprisingly, our bodies are complicated things and everything is connected – there’s just something in the way that we’re put together that connects feet to pleasure.
We don’t necessarily need to understand how it all works, it’s enough to accept that there’s nothing weird about it – it’s just how we function as sexual beings. You want to get sexy with my feet? Knock yourself out – it’s all part of the menu of options that is available to us during a man-on-man encounter.

Is a foot fetish part of BDSM play?
Describing something as a fetish certainly draws on the traditions and framework of BDSM.
A fetish or a gay kink can encompass a wide range of interests, from bondage and dominance to rape role-playing and sensory play.
However, it’s a bit of a stretch to consider a foot fetish as BDSM without some additional elements at play.
For example, if there was some Dom/Sub role-play involved, some restraint-play, or some kind of pleasure/pain interplay, then it would make sense to refer to what you’re doing as BDSM.
But if it’s just plain old toe-sucking and foot-frotting, then that’s not going to impress the hardcore kinksters.

Why would someone want a gay footjob?
The simple answer to this is that it feels good. Remember, your feet are probably intrinsically connected to the pleasure-receptors in your brain. It’s estimated that our feet have around 7,000 nerve endings – they’re a sensitive and responsive part of our bodies.
Unless you’ve got some sort of phobia of feet, or maybe there’s some kind of hygiene issue, you should probably assume that giving a dude’s feet a bit of attention needs to be part of your foreplay repertoire.

How to incorporate a gay footjob conversation with a gay sex hookup
Often, our hook-ups and encounters don’t involve a lot of verbal communication – you might just have to feel your way and use some strategic moans and nudging to let the dude know that your feet are expecting some action.
If you do have an opportunity to talk to the guy that you’re having sex with, a bit of communication about what feels good will go a long way to maximising the pleasure for you both.
Some guys will tell you that they don’t like having their feet played with during a sexual encounter. That’s cool, you need to respect that.
They might tell you that it’s because they’re ticklish or that they have sensitive feet. All of that is probably just anxiety and not being particularly in tune with their body, but if they’re not into it then they’re not into it.
You can get the conversation going with a blunt question such as: “Are you into feet?” but sometimes that can take you into a bit of a dead-end. If they’re not clear what you’re asking, they might reply that they don’t have a foot fetish and prefer to focus on other parts of the body.
A better way to tackle it is to volunteer some information: “Did you know that our feet are one of the most sexually responsive parts of the body?”
Even if we don’t have the science to necessarily back up that claim, it at least gets you both thinking and talking about what you could do to each other’s feet in order to turn up the heat on this hook-up.

How to give a tremendous gay male footjob
The more practice you get at working over a dude’s feet, the better you’re going to get at it.
Personally, I like a clean foot. No judgement if you’re into a bit of stank, but if I’m going to give a guy’s foot my full attention, I don’t want hygiene issues to be a distraction. If I’m hosting, I’ll always offer a hook-up a shower before we get down to it. If he’s not having a shower, having a pack of antibacterial wipes at hand never goes astray.
If he’s given you the green-light to get sexy with his feet and you’re ready to get into it, the basic principle is to treat the foot like a cock.
You are going to kiss, lick, rub, massage, slurp, and give that foot everything you’ve got – like a hot gay blowjob.
Using some quality massage oil is a great way to warm the foot up with some hand-work, getting it lubricated and responsive as you bring your mouth into play.
What’s really nice is when you have his feet all lubed up and then you position the soles of his feet so that you can fuck your cock between them.
Obviously, the reverse of all this is equally as good. If he’s fucking his cock between the soles of your feet, you should be playing with their nipples to bring as many erogenous zones into play as possible.
In general, you’ll probably use foot-play as foreplay, but if you’re both really into – and especially if you’re looking for alternatives to anal sex – then you’ll easily be able to get each other off with nothing more than foot fun.

Will gay footjob porn help make the activity more arousing?
Foot porn is a lot of fun but I generally find that it’s a bit of a distraction when you’ve got the real thing in front of you.
The best foot-play enables you to build a really strong connection with the man that you’re with – that means eye-contact, that means plenty of verbal reinforcement.
Save the porn for your bate sessions and goon out to foot porn.

I have to admit, when I have a hot young guy on his, my cock in his ass, I do enjoy licking and sucking his feet and toes.
Absolutely-totally love licking and sucking the feet of another man, makes me so horny, as does having mine played with, especially when being fucked 😋